RECOVER-ENERGIZE is focused on exercise intolerance and post-exertional malaise (PEM) that started or got worse after a COVID-19 infection. We want to better understand these conditions and find possible treatments to improve quality of life and daily functioning for people with Long COVID.

This web page provides information about 2 clinical trials: RECOVER-ENERGIZE Exercise Intolerance (Personalized Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation) and RECOVER-ENERGIZE Post-Exertional Malaise (Structured Pacing). Study sites will contact potential participants in their local communities. Sites are listed in the study record on as they begin enrolling participants.

About 660 total participants will be enrolled in RECOVER-ENERGIZE
About 360
participants will be enrolled in Exercise Intolerance (Personalized Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation)
About 300
participants will be enrolled in Post-Exertional Malaise (Structured Pacing)

What is being studied?

RECOVER-ENERGIZE is studying possible treatments, also called study interventions, for exercise intolerance and post-exertional malaise (PEM) related to Long COVID. These studies will include adults who had COVID and who still have exercise intolerance or PEM symptoms.

Exercise Intolerance: shortness of breath, muscle weakness, or extreme tiredness that causes the person to stop physical activity.
Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM): exercise intolerance, difficulty thinking, trouble sleeping, sore throat, headaches, muscle aches, dizziness, or severe tiredness after minimal physical, mental, social, or emotional activity. These symptoms may get worse 12 to 48 hours after an activity and may last for days or even weeks.

After answering questions about PEM symptoms, participants will be enrolled in 1 of 2 clinical trials to learn if the study program improves their Long COVID symptoms. Within these studies, participants will have an equal chance of being assigned to an active study program group or to a control group.

RECOVER-ENERGIZE Exercise Intolerance (Personalized Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation): a program for participants without PEM that combines exercises to help the heart and lungs work better with education to help participants improve their quality of life and ability to do physical activities.
RECOVER-ENERGIZE Post-Exertional Malaise (Structured Pacing): a program for participants with PEM designed to help them get to know, control, and minimize PEM symptoms to stabilize their daily functioning and improve their quality of life.

Participants with PEM will NOT be included in study activities that involve exercise to minimize the risk of their PEM getting worse.

For more information on how PEM will be monitored, please see the study protocol.

What do we hope to learn?

Results from these studies will help us learn if the study programs improve exercise intolerance and PEM in people who have Long COVID. The research team will use a variety of tests, including participant surveys, to determine if the study programs help people feel better by improving their symptoms and daily functioning.

After the studies are complete and the data have been analyzed, we will share the overall study results on this website.

What happens during these studies?

Participants will be in RECOVER-ENERGIZE for about 6 months. During this time, they will be asked to:

Visit the study clinic at least 3 times

Participate in an active study program group or a control group for 12 weeks

Complete lab tests

Wear an activity tracker daily

Answer surveys about how they are feeling

Participants may have additional visits and activities specific to their assigned study.

How are participants assigned to a study?

Participants who are a good fit for RECOVER-ENERGIZE will be enrolled in either Exercise Intolerance (Personalized Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation) or Post-Exertional Malaise (Structured Pacing). Within each study, participants will have an equal chance of being assigned to the active study program group to receive the possible treatment or to the control group that does not receive the possible treatment.

Each participant is a valuable contributor to these studies. Without the control groups to use as points of comparison, researchers would not be able to learn how the active study programs affect Long COVID symptoms.

Who is leading these studies?

The RECOVER-ENERGIZE team includes patient representatives, community leaders, doctors, and researchers from across the country. Community partners help make sure the studies include and benefit communities most affected by Long COVID.

Learn more

Learn more about RECOVER-ENERGIZE

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