RECOVER-ENERGIZE Post-Exertional Malaise (Structured Pacing)

This study is for adults who have post-exertional malaise (PEM) related to Long COVID. Symptoms include exercise intolerance, difficulty thinking, trouble sleeping, sore throat, headaches, muscle aches, dizziness, or severe tiredness after minimal physical, mental, social, or emotional activity. These symptoms may get worse 12 to 48 hours after an activity and may last for days or even weeks.
Participants in this study will have an equal chance of being assigned to the active study program group to receive the possible treatment, Structured Pacing, or to the control group that does not receive the possible treatment.
Each participant is a valuable contributor to this study. Without the control group to use as a point of comparison, researchers would not be able to learn how the active study program affects Long COVID symptoms.
What happens during this study?
Participants assigned to the active study program group will:
Participate in the study for about 6 months, including the 12-week study program and a follow-up phone call 12 weeks later
Meet remotely with their pacing coach to create a personalized pacing plan to manage their PEM symptoms
Complete weekly 30-minute remote sessions with their pacing coach for 12 weeks
Participants assigned to the control group will:
Have weekly phone calls for 12 weeks with a study team member who will check on their well-being and provide support and basic information about PEM