RECOVER-ENERGIZE Exercise Intolerance (Personalized Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation)

This study is for adults who have exercise intolerance related to Long COVID. Symptoms include shortness of breath, muscle weakness, or extreme tiredness that causes the person to stop physical activity.

Participants in this study will have an equal chance of being assigned to the active study program to receive the possible treatment, Personalized Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, or to the control group that does not receive the possible treatment.

Each participant is a valuable contributor to this study. Without the control group to use as a point of comparison, researchers would not be able to learn how the active study program affects Long COVID symptoms.

What happens during this study?

Participants assigned to the active study program group will:

Participate in the study for about 6 months, including the 12-week study program and a follow-up phone call 12 weeks later

Complete 2 to 3, one-hour personalized sessions per week, as they are able to

Complete exercises at home on their own between sessions, if they are able to and if recommended by their rehabilitation professional

Participants assigned to the control group will:

Complete 2 education sessions on topics like nutrition and how to manage stress, anxiety, and depression

Have a weekly phone call for 12 weeks with a study team member to check on their well-being

Learn more about RECOVER-ENERGIZE

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